What is Zone Healing?
The Zone Healing Technique is a method of spinal cord stimulation that resets brain-body communication by opening nerve flow and energy channels. This addresses imbalances in the body’s six systems, thereby promoting healing.
What is Zone Healing?
The Zone Healing Technique is a method of spinal cord stimulation that resets brain-body communication by opening nerve flow and energy channels. This addresses imbalances in the body’s six systems, thereby promoting healing.

How exactly does it work?
Each of the six systems is regulated by corresponding brain centres. These systems, along with their associated brain centres, correspond to specific points along the spinal cord.
Considering the body’s dynamic electrical activity, it’s comparable to an electrical machine. The six brain centres act as the positive pole, while related points in the spinal cord serve as the negative pole. When these centres are imbalanced, it’s as if your body ‘trips a switch’, leading to various discomforts and health issues.
Your body is designed to function optimally, every single day. However, normal function can be disturbed by physical, emotional and chemical stressors which creates imbalance and dis-ease (tension, pain and discomfort).
From a physical point-of-view, when fascia becomes tight, inflamed or restricted due to injury, overuse and other factors, it can put pressure on surrounding structures, including nerves. Stimulating the appropriate spinal points helps release tension and fascial restrictions, facilitating nerve flow and enhancing nerve function. This process allows your body to rebalance and correct disturbances, promoting healing.
The Zone Technique operates based on the belief that the body possesses innate self-healing abilities. Its aim is to balance your body physically and energetically, eliminating disruptions, so it can function as intended – perfectly.
Chiropractors, physiotherapists, naturopaths, energy workers, massage therapists, among others, are increasingly integrating Zone into their practices. It is gentle and highly effective, as evidenced by testimonials from patients worldwide.
What to expect during your visit
🌻 I expect you to walk out the door feeling like sunshine, on your way to improved health and vitality.
🌻 If you have further questions, please contact me here or phone me on 0402337739.
What to expect during your visit
🌻 The fee for each session is $40.
🌻 If you have further questions, please contact me here or phone me on 0402337739.
Some background...
The Zone Technique, pioneered by chiropractor Dr Peter Goldman, integrates the fundamental principles of D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic in 1895, with the teachings of Dr. Thurman Fleet, who established Zone Therapy in 1931, alongside various other influences in healing and metaphysics.
While chiropractic is commonly associated with neck and back pain relief, its original principles extend beyond. D.D. Palmer emphasised the impact of misaligned vertebrae on nerve flow and health. Dr Goldman’s Zone Technique continues this tradition, addressing alignment to restore overall health and wellbeing.
Dr Fleet’s Zone Therapy was renowned for its unparalleled healing outcomes. In the early 1990s, Dr. Goldman, mentored by Dr Fleet’s top students, developed Zone Technique. His remarkable patient results drew interest from faculty during chiropractic school, leading patients from around the world to seek his treatment.
A little bit about Krissy...
An accomplished author and passionate advocate for natural living and wellness, Krissy’s mission is to gently guide individuals towards holistic wellbeing by providing a wealth of resources and services, ranging from natural living guidance and DIY recipes, to healing therapies that nurture the mind, body, spirit and space. She envisions a world where conscious choices are made that honour the self, humanity and the environment.
With her roots in education and health promotion, Krissy continually expands her expertise. Recently, she obtained certifications in Zone Healing Technique (advanced) and NeurOptimal Neurofeedback (brain training), qualified as a Reiki Healer, and completed an Undergraduate Certificate in Lifestyle Coaching from Endeavour College of Natural Health.
Krissy dedicates her time to managing her wellness room, offering services in Zone and Reiki Healing, Neurofeedback brain training, and Chemical Awareness Consulting. Additionally, she educates individuals about common and avoidable toxins through her various social platforms. Krissy’s books have collectively sold over 100,000 copies, including the award-winning Naturally Inspired – Simple DIY Recipes for Body Care and Cleaning, as well as Make & Play – Natural DIY Recipes for Kids, and The Lifestyle Edit.
Book an appointment today and you’ll be skating on a rainbow on your way out the door 🌈

Feedback & Testimonials
🙌 Plantar fasciitis pain – this is a common complaint. Many people note an improvement after only a few sessions; one client says they’ve almost forgotten they ever had it.
🙌 Krissy’s son had a persistent sore tummy one night after his shower, he could barely lay on the table; one treatment and he giggled as he got up and said it was 100% gone.
🙌 A teenager came in with a sore leg that had been bothering them for days. Instantaneously, it was gone after one treatment.
🙌 A lady came in suffering from nerve pain in her neck and shoulder, causing tension headaches. After just two treatments, she went from a 3/10 to feeling 8/10.
🙌 Krissy has a friend who had struggled with sleep quality. After five or so sessions, she now reports deeper and more restful sleep.
🙌 A client came in with aching hands and feet, an ongoing issue she had seen many doctors about. She jumped off the table after her first session and was blown away that the foot pain she had walking in the door was gone.
🙌 One client, feeling inexplicably sad and anxious, found relief after just two sessions and is now brighter and happier.
🙌 “Thanks so much Krissy. I felt absolutely amazing after our session. I’ve noticed so much more freedom in my body, it didn’t hurt to walk back from the beach like it usually does and I didn’t walk out of the bedroom like an old woman this morning. It’s amazing!! Thank you so much lovely.”
🙌 Emotionally, a client was feeling anxious; physically, she was feeling backed-up and irregular with her bowel movements. She contacted me the evening of her first session to say that as soon as she got home, she had the best bowel movement she’d had in ages, and she’d been burping heaps. “I already feel like I’m going to sleep better tonight.”
🙌 “Highly recommend. So glad I followed my instinct. It was like a switch had been flicked on inside me, my inner light came back. It’s so gently subtle, yet for me a rocket ship back in right direction! Had two work colleagues notice ‘something’ in a positive way.”
🙌 A client came in feeling down and with an uncomfortable tightness in her jaw from grinding and stress in general. As soon as she sat up, she was amazed that her jaw was instantly better. She couldn’t believe it.
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