With Easter fast approaching, and the majority of the world locked inside their homes (thanks a lot COVID-19, you can bugger off now), I thought this little DIY candle recipe and craft idea might come in handy for those of you looking to stay occupied (and get off Netflix)!
These Eggshell Candles are so easy to make. They’re fun and eco-friendly, and aside from beeswax pellets, you probably have everything you need to make them, in your pantry right now. The concept is not new, I’ve seen it floating around in magazines and websites for years, but I finally decided to give them a try and document it for you.
For more fun Easter ideas, grab yourself a copy of my Natural DIY Favourites Easter Fun eBook – it’s free!
Eggshell Candles
Makes: 3 Prep time: < 10 min. (assuming eggshells have been pre-dried)
- 3 eggs (feel free to double or triple this recipe)
- 50 g beeswax pellets
- 15 g olive oil
- 3 cotton wicks (tealight size is best)

1. Crack eggs carefully so that the top 1/4 breaks off. This takes practice and patience!
2. Wash eggs and remove remaining membrane. Dry thoroughly.
3. Place eggshells in an egg carton, for support.
4. Place cotton wick in the centre of an eggshell. (Ensure wick is long enough for your eggshells. To help wick stay vertical, pinch between two wooden skewers or chopsticks, securing ends with tape or rubber bands, then rest on eggshell so wick is centred).
5. Add beeswax and olive oil to a glass bowl and heat until completely melted. (Double boiler method – place bowl on a pot of gently simmering water and stir frequently; Microwave method – heat in short bursts on low, stopping and stirring frequently). Remove from heat.
6. Carefully but quickly pour mixture into jar, making sure not to displace wick.
7. Allow to set and trim wick down to 1 cm from wax.
To Use

My granddaughter and I had a lovely time together making these! We added a few drops of our favourite essential oils as well.
Such a simple and yet beautiful idea. Must do this recipe.