Krissy Ballinger

author and passionate advocate for natural living and wellness

Krissy Ballinger is an accomplished author and passionate advocate for natural living and wellness. Her mission is to gently guide individuals towards holistic wellbeing by providing a wealth of resources and services, ranging from natural living guidance and DIY recipes, to healing therapies that nurture the mind, body, spirit and space. She envisions a world where conscious choices are made that honour the self, humanity and the environment.

With her roots in education and health promotion, Krissy continually expands her expertise. Recently, she obtained certifications in Zone Healing Technique and NeurOptimal Neurofeedback (brain training), qualified as a Reiki Healer, and completed an Undergraduate Certificate in Lifestyle Coaching from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Krissy dedicates her time to managing her wellness room, offering services in Zone and Reiki Healing, Neurofeedback brain training, and Chemical Awareness Consulting. Additionally, she educates individuals about common and avoidable toxins through her various social platforms. Krissy’s books have collectively sold over 100,000 copies, including the award-winning Naturally Inspired – Simple DIY Recipes for Body Care and Cleaning, as well as Make & Play – Natural DIY Recipes for Kids, and The Lifestyle Edit.


  1. One of my favourite Krissy recipes! I started making this years ago when my boys were teens and was so surprised at how well it works. My boys are now well in their 20’s and they are still using it. This makes me one happy mum! Thx for another great recipe!

  2. Hi Krissy,

    I’ve used this recipe for years- and completely love it!

    But I’ve just noticed there is no beeswax in the ingredients, yet it’s listed in the method. Can you please update and advise if beeswax is to be included or not?

    Thank you,

  3. I love this recipe, thanks for sharing.
    Can I substitute magnesium sulphate, epsom salt, 70g in place of the sodium bicarbonate?

    • Hey Teena – I have never used magnesium in the deodorant and personally don’t think it’ll mix in. You could use diatomaceous earth in place of the bicarb?

      • I have been making this paste for years and love how it works so well for me. I have bought other natural made ones and they didn’t work for me. Thanks for this great recipe

  4. Krissy ,,,,,,I’m quite new to all your recipes, I find them so useful I’m just concerned that are your recipes okay to use in septic tanks ,,,, m My husband is very anti as hates all these recipes as kill the septic ,,,,, So I have backed away from making certain recipe recipes

  5. Absolutely love this deodorant- applies like silk and I love the different combinations of essential oils you can add/try.
    I have made it for 5 friends and have 5 friends and now returning empty containers for refilling. Too easy 🙂

  6. Hi Krissy,
    I’ve been making this for a couple of years now and love it. The most recent batches have had the bicarb noticeably settle to the bottom (I set it in the fridge to cool). The last of the jar is very gritty and irritating, but this wasn’t happening before. Could it be ageing ingredients?
    Thank you 🙂

    • Hey Sarah, good to hear you’re using natural DIY deodorant! It could be that your bicarb is grittier than usual? Or your ingredients were too hot when you added your flour and bicarb? Just let it set and mix vigorously with a spoon, squashing the bicarb against your bowl/container – that should help. I don’t think the age of the ingredients would cause this issue.

  7. Hello,

    I have made this recipe for my wife and she loves it. We even put it on our kids feet.
    I want to make the same for myself but can’t use bicarb. Do you know if I can just replace it with magnesium hydroxide powder?

  8. hi ,

    curious about how much of each essential oils you use in your recipe??

    thanks and can’t wait to give This a go.

  9. Hi Krissy
    In regards to the deodorant I notice it leaves a stain on the clothes under the arms and I am having to soak the clothes. I use bentonite clay and my friend uses cornflour and we both get the stain.

    Is this normal?

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