This Goop recipe is a huge winner with my kids, so I’m confident it’ll be a winner with yours too!
Before we dive into this recipe, I’d love to give you a little snippet of information on some of the common ingredients found in many store-bought slimes, and homemade recipes (keeping in mind that it’s not always easy to find ingredients listings on the store-bought stuff). I have no doubt that many parents (and carers) simply have no idea what impact these products might be having on people and planet.
I am a realist, I can appreciate that you may very well consider regular/commercial slime as an exception in your quest for a more natural life, and if so, that’s perfectly ok! So long as you know what you are buying and using, and you are making that informed choice with both eyes wide open.
Common mainstream slime ingredients
Fragrance – ahh fragrance, the synthetic stuff, my arch-nemesis! Urgh, I hate the stuff. I feel headachey and nauseous just thinking about it. I’ve written about fragrance many times before, but in a nutshell, it is not something you want little noses sniffing. Irritation, allergic reactions, asthma – they’re just a few issues.
We only look for a ‘nice smell’ if we are taught to seek it out; we’re conditioned to value artificial scent. The subtle aroma that essential oils provide us, is enough, in my opinion.
Colours – more often than not, artificial colours are petroleum-derived. Although potential harm is usually associated with consumption, some can cause skin irritation and some are known to be carcinogenic.
PVA (polyvinyl acetate) glue – you’ll find that bottles of PVA glue state they are ‘non-toxic’. I just don’t know about that… It stinks and makes my eyes water, so it’s something I prefer to avoid having my children’s skin making contact with for hours on end. According to, there are contamination concerns with polyvinyl acetate, one of the main ingredients in PVA glue, such as heavy metals and arsenic. Some glues are also believed to be toxic to aquatics.
Glitter – micro-plastics, do I need to say more? Ok, I will. Micro-plastics are a serious problem, and glitter has got to be the most unnecessary variety! That stuff gets into everything! Once it washes down drains, it slips through all the barriers designed to catch undesirable waste, and makes its way into the oceans, and inevitably, marine animals. Best avoided, if you want my opinion.
Some of you might be shocked to read some of this information, while others will nod in agreement. Either way, I hope you’re motivated and excited to share in a special experience with the littlies in your life, and ready to make your very own natural GOOP. Get ready for some fun with this recipe!
Stretchy Spotty Sticky Goop
Makes: 130 g Prep time: 30+ min. (for kids)
- 60 g water (see recipe notes)
- 10 g chia seeds
- colourant (as much as you like; must be liquid)
- 5 drops essential oils (optional)
- 1/2 tsp olive oil
- 60 g arrowroot flour

My Choice of Essential Oils
Some essential oils are better suited than others, for use with children. Essential oils that are typically regarded as safe, when diluted properly, include bergamot, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange, rose, spearmint, tangerine & tea tree (note that this is not a complete list of ‘kid-safe’ oils). Read here for more information on essential oils.
1. Weigh the water and chia seeds into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
2. Add the colouring and essential oils (if you’re using them) and whisk well.
3. Let it rest for 30 minutes (the mixture will become thick and gloopy).
4. Measure in the olive oil and whisk again.
5. Now weigh in the arrowroot flour and stir until it feels too thick to use a spoon.
6. Knead the mixture with your hands until it is really smooth and stretchy, then transfer your goop into a container (with a lid).
To Use
Play with this goop with clean hands, on a clean surface, and be prepared for messy, sticky fun!
Recipe Notes
Water should be distilled, purified or pre-boiled and cooled to extend shelf life.
This goop will only last a day or two. Store in airtight containers between uses.
The goop will become less sticky (and less stretchy) as the hours roll on. Wet your hands to get it back to its maximum stickiness!
This is one of our favourite activities. It’s easy to remove if some is accidentally left goofing somewhere, which invariably happens.
My kids enjoyed making this with their friends.