These little gems are a great way to gently exfoliate, and an easy and inexpensive way to transform regular soap into something cute and fun. It’s also a fun activity for the kids – the mixture isn’t too hot so they can play around with it and help you press it into moulds. By using any old jars you have accumulated, it’s a pretty affordable gift should you choose to give them away!
Sugar Soap Scrub Balls
Makes: 440 g (approx. 15 small scrub balls) Prep time: < 10 min. (plus setting time)
- 200 g pure soap – roughly chopped into small pieces (see recipe notes)
- 60 g carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil and sweet almond oil are popular choices)
- 180 g sugar
- 20 drops of essential oils

My Choice of Essential Oils
My favourite essential oils in this recipe are geranium and lavender, but don’t be limited by my suggestions. Use oils that fit your budget, or those that you already have in your collection. Read here for more information on essential oils.
Extra Equipment Required
Silicone moulds
1. Using a blender or food processor, mill soap until fine in consistency. Transfer into a glass bowl.
2. Add carrier oil and heat until softened, using either a microwave or the double boiler method. (Double boiler method– place bowl on a pot of gently simmering water and stir frequently; Microwave method– heat in short bursts on low, stopping and stirring frequently). Note that mixture will look warm and squishy but not melted to a liquid consistency. Remove from heat.
3. Add remaining ingredients and mix until combined.
4. Press mixture into silicone moulds or soap trays and allow to cool before unmoulding.
5. Allow to dry for 24 hours on a tray or sheet of baking paper, before transferring into a jar or container (with lid).
To Use
Place in palm of hand whilst showering and scrub over body. Scrub ball will mould to your palm allowing you to target your exfoliation.
Recipe Notes
Source soap as pure and fragrance-free as you can find (organic is preferable).
If the ball breaks apart during use, just reform it after each shower.
Where do you get pure soap from ? What is the chemical composition of pure soap ? Thanks
Hi Linda, when I recommend pure soap I am referring to soap that doesn’t contain fragrance and extra ingredients. For example, a soap like this >, or this >, is preferable to a soap like this I hope that helps.
Where do you source your silicone moulds from please? (Also keen to source some larger ones for moisturising barsWith thanks
I’ve collected so many over the years. Kmart, Target, thirft shops, eBay… Give it a Google 🙂
Thankyou for your scrub recipe, I have been in hospital for 2 weeks and in much need of a scrub like this one, I only have 3 days at home before I need to go back in for major surgery and I just want to feel clean.
Sending you lots of strength and positive energy xx