Krissy Ballinger

author and passionate advocate for natural living and wellness

Krissy Ballinger is an accomplished author and passionate advocate for natural living and wellness. Her mission is to gently guide individuals towards holistic wellbeing by providing a wealth of resources and services, ranging from natural living guidance and DIY recipes, to healing therapies that nurture the mind, body, spirit and space. She envisions a world where conscious choices are made that honour the self, humanity and the environment.

With her roots in education and health promotion, Krissy continually expands her expertise. Recently, she obtained certifications in Zone Healing Technique and NeurOptimal Neurofeedback (brain training), qualified as a Reiki Healer, and completed an Undergraduate Certificate in Lifestyle Coaching from Endeavour College of Natural Health.

Krissy dedicates her time to managing her wellness room, offering services in Zone and Reiki Healing, Neurofeedback brain training, and Chemical Awareness Consulting. Additionally, she educates individuals about common and avoidable toxins through her various social platforms. Krissy’s books have collectively sold over 100,000 copies, including the award-winning Naturally Inspired – Simple DIY Recipes for Body Care and Cleaning, as well as Make & Play – Natural DIY Recipes for Kids, and The Lifestyle Edit.


  1. I’ve been making these dishwasher tabs for approx five years now. I’ve definitely saved my family a small fortune, by buy ingredients in bulk and using these instead of shop purchased tabs. They work a treat and are easy to make, if you follow all Krissy’s tips, ie push bottom ice cube trays are my go to. Thanks Krissy xo

  2. Hi ya.

    First time making washing powder.
    Why do we need the salt? Is it a main ingredient or could it be left out?

    Thanks jess from nz

      • Omg so sorry, yes I was asking about the dishwasher tablets but made into the powder.

        Thank you 🙏🏻 I’ll have a look through the comments

  3. Hello. I’m going to try these tablets tonight. I’m pretty excited.
    Can I add the oils into the mix or does it have to be dropped on each tablet?

  4. Hi Krissy, I made these and they came together beautifully and washed the dishes beautifully. The issue I had however was that once I put them into a sealed glass jar, they all stuck together and a lot disintegrated 🙁 What did I do wrong please?

    • Hey Fiona, good to hear you had success with performance! If your jar had any moisture at all, this can happen. Or if they’re not fully dry before they get packed in, it can happen too. To prevent this, make sure they have been left to dry, after you’ve popped them out of your moulds, for at least 24 hours. Or, store them in a shallow container. Good luck!

  5. These are the best DIY dishwasher tablets I have made. I try other recipes every now and then but always end up back with these. Perfect, easy and very cost effective too.

  6. love my home made dishwasher tablets, when i first began making them my husband found them in the ice cube trays setting & thought i must be making treats so had to sneak a little taste, he has now learnt to ask before he tastes things i make, I have the big book & i purchased the smaller books for my daughter who i also introduced to this wonderful site

  7. This is fantastic. I’ve been making this for well over a year now & I’ll never go back. It cleans my dishes so well & I get a great peace of mind knowing there’s no nasties in it.

  8. Hi there,
    I was just wondering about the longer term use of the diy dishwasher tabs. We have been using ours for a while now and noticing there is a build up of gunk on the inside of the machine, like it’s not quite cleaning out properly. Is there a way to give your dishwasher a deep clean? Or is there any long term side effects of using DIY products? If so, what should I do???? My husband is just about ready to go back to the harsh shop bought stuff.

  9. Hi Krissy,
    Could these be used in a container with dish cloths to make my own sanitising wipes, or would you suggesting something different?

  10. Hi, do you sell the ingredients in pack form? Eg: if I want to make the dishwasher tablets, can I buy a pack with what I would need just for the tablets?

  11. I read on a similar recipe that it should not be used in d/washers with stainless steel interiors – didn’t say why. Does the same apply for this one?

    • Hi Helen, I’ll be honest and say I wish more people spoke about the need for mainstream tablets to be kept out of our homes and waterways, and I’ll also say that I can only speak from my own experience and research – but I believe these tablets to be fine in stainless steel appliances (that’s what we have and we have had no issues). But, if in doubt, don’t use them 🙂

      • Hi Krissy,

        I’ve tried this recipe several times without the borax and the mixture reacted. It foamed up in the pot, liquified somewhat, and then solidified to a rock-like consistency. It cleans very well, but does not look at all like your tablets. Do you have any suggestions about what I should do differently?

        Many thanks,

        • Do you live in a very humid environment? Are your bowls and utensils clean and dry? Any moisture will affect the end result. Where do you live – I know that some countries have a liquid washing soda (sodium carbonate)? It must be a dry mixture, no liquid whatsoever. Hope this helps.

  12. After they have set for the final 24 hrs, is it possible to add the EO to each tab for storage instead of right before use?
    Thank you!

  13. I tried this recipe and followed the directions, however I left the powder in the mould for 24hrs and when turning them over to tap them out it just turned to powder it was not solid at all. What did I do wrong?

    • Hi Naomi,

      There are a few reasons why they may not have set in tablet form. A few points:
      Were your mould basic flexible silicone moulds without intricate grooves?
      Did you pack mixture into moulds very firmly?

      Sometimes moisture in the environment can affect setting time and they need a little extra time. It can help to unmould one of them before trying to unmould them all. Then you can leave them a little longer if required. A suggestion for you would be to let the crumbled mixture dry out fully on a tray, then blend and store as a powder. You can use a tablespoon-worth each load.

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