The chemicals, fillers, fragrances, etc., in many mainstream washing powders are not what you want sticking to your clothes and touching your body all day. Nor are they the kind of thing we want washing into our waterways.
It takes about 5 minutes to get over the fact your clothes will smell less like a vanilla bean cross frangipani tree cross musk stick, and more like, ah, clothes.
There are so many reasons that I love using this washing powder recipe:
〉One batch makes over 100 loads so the average person who does 5x loads a week will only need to make washing powder every 5-6 months.
〉You’ll save money. For an average load, I use 1 tablespoon of powder. I priced it up using supermarket ingredients, and bulk suppliers. The price per load varied slightly, between 14c (for supermarket-sourced ingredients) and 10c (for bulk supplier-sourced ingredients – get suggestions here). Not a bad way to save your weekly bill and the environment, hey!
Washing Powder
Makes: 3.3 kg Prep time: < 5 min.
- 4 cups | 1040 g sodium carbonate (washing soda)
- 4 cups | 880 g borax
- 3 cups | 840 g fine salt
- 3 cups | 420 g fine soap powder (see recipe notes)
- 1/2 cup | 140 g sodium bicarbonate (bicarb)
- 2-3 drops of essential oils (optional, per use)

My Choice of Essential Oils
My favourite essential oils in this recipe are lemon and eucalyptus, but don’t be limited by my suggestions. Use oils that fit your budget, or those that you already have in your collection. Read here for more information on essential oils.
Add all ingredients into a large container (with lid) and mix until combined.
To Use
Recipe Notes
I recommend sourcing the purest laundry soap you can find – check the ingredients panels and watch for fragrance especially. I use pure coconut soap powder, or castile soap powder.
While I am comfortable using natural borax for cleaning applications (check out this blog post), you might prefer to avoid it. If so, just leave it out – simple. I don’t notice a difference in cleaning results.
Less is more. Don’t go adding too much of this powder to your wash as it won’t make a difference. Occasionally you may need to spot treat stains (click here for the recipe) but you would have to do that with regular commercial powders too.
Click here for a great stain solution.
If your machine can only take liquid, click here to check out my Liquid Laundry Detergent recipe.
I trust that you will make the decision on whether this formula is suitable for your washing machine. I cannot take any responsibility if your washing machine doesn’t agree with this recipe.
Hi Krissy!
Thank you for this laundry detergent recipe! I am in Australia and wondering if a I can use Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate) for the fine salts part of your recipe?
Many thanks!
I have tried epsom and didn’t like the results, you could try a small batch and see how you like it?
Having an ecosystem, our lawn always looks lush. When we bought the house, the backyard grass was ‘burnt’ looking, dishwasher tablets are also amazing for cleaning the dishes but not damaging the lawn.
Thankyou for all your recipes🙏🏼
I’m in the US and cannot find soap powder, all I can find is liquid or flakes. where can I find it in the US? and is it safe for HE machines?
Are you able to find a block of laundry soap, as pure as you can source (without fragrance especially) and mill it in a blender? I believe it to be safe for all appliances, and many people I know have reported it to be fine for HE machines, just don’t use more soap than the recipe states.
Hi Krissy,
Can I use Dr bronners pure castile soap bars that are fragranced? I already have some at home.
Just ordered the book, can’t wait to get cleaning chemical free.
Yep, you can 🙂
I am very new to low tox, I am so excited to be starting this journey and this is the first recipe I am looking to try. I must order everything and start washing. I have a primary aged child and a toddler who are forever getting dirty and to date the low tox options I tried have not worked. I am looking forward to making lots of your recipes, thank you for making them available.
Is this recipe ok in a front loader? Thanks
I know lots of front-loader users that use (and love it) 🙂
Have been making/using this washing powder for around 5months and it has helped clear up my 1yr olds eczema! So easy and quick to make. Thanks Krissy!
my first and probably still my fav! simple, easy and effective!
this was my introduction to making my own low tox stuff for the home and have been following you for many years since!
Is this ok for a baby . I will be making it for a first time mum.
I would use it on baby clothing, yes 🙂
Hi Krissy, just wanting to know if the waste washing water from your washing powder recipe is suitable to be used as grey water on the garden. Ornamental that is. Not vegetables.
I’m not too familiar with grey water rules, as we don’t have it (although I save a lot of water from the kitchen sink and shower and use it on our garden), I would think it’s way better than the commercial stuff going onto the garden. Perhaps ask whoever installed the system for you, or a local installer?
I’ve been making laundry powder for quite sometime adding Sodium Percarbonate. What are your thoughts on using in this recipe?
Sodium percarbonate is awesome at boosting cleaning power. Go for it!
Krissy if you left out the borax, but added sodium percarbonate – how much would you add for this recipe?
There are no hard and fast rules but you could sub the same amount in.
Where can I buy all the ingredients for washing powder please
Hi Marie, this link will help >
Would you need to use the salt when you have rainwater? 🙂
Also, I’ve been looking at this, and your dishwashning & dishwasher tablet recipes too, are all the ingredients in these safe for kids who (hopefully) do dishes and wear clothes too hahaha. Even the EO’s?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Beck. You could leave the salt out and see how you like the results. In these quantities, and used as intended, I’d say all ingredients are safe (maybe keep the borax away from kids if on its own). Essential oils are also optional so omit them if you’re concerned (I use these recipes around my kids, 8 & 11, though) 🙂
This recipe is wonderful, it works well, I add different essential oils to different washes depending on what smell I’d like on that day, even though it doesn’t need any!?
Far out this one was a game changer in our house the kids know the smell of their clothes my youngest who has huge texture issues can now wear anything it softens and cleans so well I adore my washing powder and I make a big batch and it lasts for ages x
As a mom of 3 kids clean living has become a big part of our lives. Plus my 10yr old daughter loves helping me make some of our diy’s, especially room spray. Thank you for some really wonderful recipes to explore and trial. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for this recipe, I wanted to make my own washing powder for years and never got around to it, once I bought your book it was one of the first recipes I made and I haven’t looked back, been making for well over a year now. Love how simple you make DIY and the education you provide and sharing your sourcing codes. Thank you for changing our life for the better
If you do not notice a difference without the Borax, then why do you add it?
It was always a part of my recipe. I tried without it and didn’t notice a difference but as a rule, I tend to include it. Over time it might be more evident that the cleaning power is lower without borax.
Hi Krissy, could you use Lux soap flakes instead of the soap powder pls?
If you’re keen to avoid artificial fragrance, I’d advise against those flakes.
Hi Krissy, do you have a specific brand of soap powder you would recommend or currently use yourself. I was looking to use the Lux soap flakes, but I am trying to avoid the artificial fragrance, so happy to be guided by you. Thanks 🙂
Yes, coconut soap! Blants sell it in bulk (discount code for them here too) >
Hi Krissy, are there certain types of salt that you would recommend using? Is pink himalayan ok?
The salt that best suits your budget! I use fine sea salt because I had sourced it in bulk. Table salt is fine, and cheap, (but it contains anti-caking agents which I don’t like, even though it isn’t an issue for cleaning). Hope that helps x
could you please tell me the quantity you use per wash in a front loader, just trying to work out the cost per use .
I have a top loader and use around 1 tbsp per regular load.
I have a huge 14 kg front loader would I use two spoons in this case ? 🙂
Depends on the size of the load. But yes, a full 14kg load would need 2 tbsp (possibly more depending on how soiled the load is).
Thankyou 🙂
Hi Krissy, I am wondering where you get your coconut soap powder from or castile soap powder. All I seem to find is the liquid version. Thank you in advance!
Hi Connie, check this link of suppliers out > 🙂
Hi Krissy,
I was reading another post and came across this one. Can you let me know what the salt does in this recipe. I have been making my own powder with most of these ingredients for years but I’m interested in the role of the salt. Might be something I need to add in.
Thanks, Renee xx
Hi Renee, it’s great at softening the water 🙂
I love using this recipe for my washing powder. The washing comes out nice and clean and I love that I am not using any nasties on my sons clothes
I started using this when my son was newborn as their skins are so sensitive and have never looked back. I have not brought washing powder in over a year and I buy my products in bulk so I’m saving so much money. Thank you krissy.
I’ve just discovered your website and made this washing powder. My first load came out so nice and soft and smelt fresh and clean ☺️
Just want to know, you say you can omit borax. Why do you use the borax? I haven’t read much about it just wondering what role it’s playing if you can leave it out and still get the same results.
Hi Emily, So glad you have found the washing powder and love the results! I believe borax gives a better clean and have no issues using it in cleaning applications. You can read what I say here, for more info >
I switched forax for washing soda – buy at supermarket near sard etc
Oops you use washing soda – citric acid instead of borax
I wouldn’t use citric acid myself, in the washing powder, and you could just leave the borax out.
Hi, what book has the laundry powder recipe? I want to order but cant tell by looking at the covers on your website.
Hi Tania, each product has a link to view complete info on all books. Natural Inspired has the washing powder recipe >
HI, thank you for passing on all your recipes and research! I’ve been making my own laundry powder for years, but have switched sunlight soap for coconut soap (I don’t use borax) & now it’s sticking in the washing compartment – I’ve added it into the tub now but not sure if there’s something I can change to fix it? Is it the coconut soap? Thanks.
Thanks Sarah 🙂 What else has changed? Could your machine need a good clean? Hot wash with some vinegar? I have no issues with coconut soap dissolving (and I wash in cold) so it’s a little odd…